A Weekend on Long Lake
We awoke the next morning to the thumping and crashing of aluminum canoes along the shore, another camp group was setting off down the lake. We had the same plans for the day, as our weekend vacation was over and we needed to get back to start another week of 9-5 grind.
We decided to have a bite to eat and then it was time to get our tails moving; we wanted to hike to the top of Sugarloaf Mountain before we set off down the lake, so we looked over the map and got out our GPS to see what it might consist of. Sugarloaf is a small peak across from camp that I had wanted to climb to the top of for quite some time. It had no trail to the summit and bushwhacking is something I love to do. Kole and Emily had other thoughts on bushwhacking, which, if I could read their minds, might not be appropriate to publish.
Sugarloaf Mountain
We packed up camp and paddled across the lake to a decent spot to dock our boats. We put on our hiking boots and started a rather easy walk through the open woods. We happened across an old road that followed the shore of the lake, an odd find with no apparent destination. A layer of rock jumbled the side of the mountain making footing a bit difficult, some as white as pearls, which attracted the attention of everyone. Some chunks as large as softballs. I don't know my minerals, but I suspect the value is not worthy of early retirement.

Back to Moose Island

We now had to head back over to pick up Corenne's car at camp. It wasn't that far away, only about 5-10 minutes by car, not something we wanted to do, but it wasn't that big a deal. Once we got the car back to the boat launch we could pack up the gear, clean off the hull of the boats, and strap down the kayaks. We could now finally get that ice cream at Hoss's Country Corner that we had been talking about for hours.
That brings us to the conclusion of our weekend adventure; I hope you enjoyed the read. Are you interested in a weekend excursion on Long Lake or maybe some other waters in Hamilton County? Check out a local outfitter for details, boat rentals, and even a guided excursion if you wish.